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Sample Submission / Payment
Sample submission is as easy as printing an order form from our website, collecting a blood, eggshell, or feather sample from your bird, and mailing it along with payment to:

Blood Sexing
Blood samples are commonly obtained by clipping the toenail too short. Once you see the blood, you can spot it onto the order form or blot it with a Q-tip. Let it dry completely and cover with tape to prevent cross-contamination, and send it along with the order form.
Once we receive your materials, results are usually available the next business day. Results will be automatically e-mailed with the certificate attached once the results are ready. We will also mail you a certificate if requested

Feather Sexing
Send 4-5 FRESHLY PLUCKED feathers. (Molted feathers do not contain DNA) The only part of the feather that contains DNA is the "root" that comes out of the skin when it is plucked. It doesn't matter where on the birds' body that you pluck the feathers as long as the roots are clearly visible and large enough to be handled for processing.
Payment Options
The price for Bird Sexing is $20 per sample. The submitter is responsible for payment, and payment must accompany the sample upon submission. Acceptable payment methods are checks, credit cards, money orders, and PayPal([email protected]).
Egg Shell Sexing
Let the shell dry completely, seal each shell in a separate container or bag (paper works best), and send it along with an order form.

Results Options
Once we receive your materials, results are usually available the next business day. Results will be automatically e-mailed with the certificate attached once the results are ready. We will also mail you a certificate if requested.
In the event that a submitted sample does not contain sufficient DNA for processing Bird Sexing Solutions will test another sample from the same bird at no charge. In no event shall Bird Sexing Solutions be liable for incidental, consequential, special, or other damages of any nature even if Bird Sexing Solutions Has been advised of the possibility of such damages.